Business Workshop 1: Start-up Basics
Nicholas Coriano breaks down what could be an overwhelming task into manageable pieces, focuses on the essentials and provides specific action steps to get you started. This includes what type of entity formation you should choose (sole proprietorship, LLC, partnerships, LP, LLP, INC, 501c and more), what to include in a partnership agreement or operating agreement, business planning basics (including A.S.E., a practical ways startups can plan and execute), explaining the difference between a business plan and a business model and more.Business Workshop 2: Business Concept Planning
Receive step-by-step guidance on identifying your target markets, describing your products and services, and researching your competition to determine your concept's feasibility. Clearly establishing your business model and how pivot and adjust from successes and failures of business model implementation.Business Workshop 3: Getting & Keeping Your First Customer
This workshop focuses on how startups can target and get their first customers and then keep them. Startups often do not know where to start when marketing to their potential customers and many times they are not specific enough with their targeting efforts. Get and keep your first customer.Business Workshop 4: Marketing Plan (Marketing Your Business)
In this introduction to marketing communications, learn how to maximize your customer reach. Outline and execute a marketing strategy. Test your marketing message. Choose the right sales channels. We discuss different marketing and pricing strategies, positioning, and the difference between features and benefits. This talk on marketing also includes the a survey of current online marketing trends in social media, search engine optimization, pay-per click advertising and influencer advertising.
Business Workshop 5: No Money Marketing
In this workshop I review over 12 different ways for entrepreneurs and business owners to market their services or products for free. When starting a business or growing a business, being able to reach potential customers cost effectively is important. Being able to reach them for free is probably one of the greatest tactics available to entrepreneurs because of the technology revolution that has occurred over the past decade.Business Workshop 6: Financial Projections
Through hands-on instruction, this workshop allows attendees to learn how to forecast sales revenue and build solid, pro-forma financial forecasts. An in-depth discussion will be held on sales and prices, financial risks and rewards, true start-up costs, ongoing operating expenses (including opportunity costs), setting benchmarks for tracking progress and organizing all of your financial information. Attendees will be given access to financial projection documents to use in their own business ventures including but not limited to templates for pro forma cash flow statements, pro forma balance sheets, pro forma income statements and more.Business Workshop 7: Funding Sources
How will you finance your business? This lecture will teach about sources of funds, accounting the six Cs of credit, banking relations, ratio analysis, and monthly preparation and review of financial statements. The workshop will teach how banks assess the merits of business plans and loan applications as well as how to utilize venture capital, crowdfunding and angel investors during the startup and growth phases. The lecture will give the pros and cons of each funding possibility and lay out what pitfalls to watch out for when funding a business via any of these mediums. The workshop lecture will give business owners, startups and entrepreneurs a roadmap on how to find the proper investment for their business venture. Also discusses is a bonus talk on how to leverage "human capital" and "pre-sales" to fund businesses.Business Workshop 8: Tips & Tricks for Time Management
This workshop will help you reflect on how you prioritize, learn task-management and motivation strategies, and understand the importance of self-care and allowing yourself breaks. Managing your time effectively can enable you to: • Reach your goals. • Accomplish what is most important. • Live out your values, maintain balance. • Meet deadlines and more.Hiring Nick To Speak At Your Next Event
Each business workshop lecture is 1 hour. The entire lectures on startups & business (all 8 talks listed above) are meant to occupy a full day. If you would like to tailor a lecture to a specific event or topic and it is not shown above, please contact Nick to accommodate your request. All situations are specific and there are times when prices can be above or below the prices stated below, but in general the going rate for Nick to present workshops for entrepreneurs, incubators, mentor programs and business centers is:- One (1) Lecture/Workshop/Talk ..................$1,500*
- Three (3) Lectures/Workshops/Talks............$3,500*
- Five (5) Lectures/Workshops/Talks..............$5,000* (optional bonus lecture on social media)