Partnership Agreement and Formation
Price: $450
A partnership (also known as a general partnership) is created whenever two or more people agree to do business together for profit, even if there is no intent or written agreement to form a partnership. While there are no formal filing or registration requirements needed to create a partnership, partnerships must comply with registration, filing, and tax requirements applicable to any business. There are also some steps every partnership should take to make sure they follow sound business practices when they start their new venture. This agreement and formation will outline all parties interest in the new venture.

LLC Formation
Price: $450
LLC (Limited Liability Company) provides limited liability protection to their owners (called members). Typically, owners are not personally responsible for business debts and liabilities of the limited liability company so creditors cannot pursue owners’ personal assets to pay business debts. Form your LLC today! State Fees not included in the purchase price.

Corporation Formation
Price: $450
Why Incorporate? Self-employment tax savings, which can amount to thousands of dollars annually. The ability to offer a wide range of benefits such as medical reimbursement plans, 401k and other retirement plans. Easier to raise capital from investors and obtain corporate credit. Shareholders are not typically liable for corporate debts. Purchase price includes S Corp or C Corp.

Price: $450
A 501(c) organization, also known colloquially as either a 501(c) or a "nonprofit", is an American tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Section 501(c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)) provides that 29 types of nonprofit organizations are exempt from some federal income taxes. Sections 503 through 505 set out the requirements for attaining such exemptions. Many states refer to Section 501(c) for definitions of organizations exempt from state taxation as well. Applicable State Fees not included.
Business Operating Agreement
Price: $475