Cleaning Company SWOT Analysis for Business Plan

Below is a sample of a Cleaning Company SWOT Analysis Section for a Business Plan:

---------------------------Sample Cleaning Company SWOT Analysis---------------------------
SWOT Analysis

  • The company’s founder has extended experience in the janitorial and commercial cleaning industry
  • Company management is motivated by satisfaction, recognition and rewarding our staff.
  • Company management is committed to identifying and adhering to our customer’s needs.
  • Consumer and commercial spending have trended upward due to an increase in per capita disposable income, which is a large contributing factor to the performance of businesses in our industry. 
  • The cleaning company management has a demonstrated passion for both the cleaning industry


  • Proper marketing will need to be established to assure our target demographic knows and understands our cleaning services.
  • Access to capital for sustained growth is necessary to compete at a competitive price point.


  • The aggressive and focused marketing campaign that we will execute realistic and achievable goals and strategies to create an immediate impact on gaining new clients for our cleaning company.
  • Company management will work effortlessly to ensure a growing, strong, and loyal customer base.
  • Following startup, the company will pursue new revenue opportunities in the cleaning industry.
  • The company will have an aggressive focus on consistently bid on large cleaning contracts such as those offered by medium to large-sized educational, government, and corporate organizations. 


  • The first five years our cleaning business is in operations will determine the outcome of business success.
  • The cleaning company will need access to a market that provides customers that are willing to contract to small businesses.
  • The company may face an inability to find a source for financing of start-up costs.  

---------------------------End of Sample Cleaning Company SWOT Analysis---------------------------

Need a business plan or an extensive SWOT Analysis for your cleaning company?  Nick can help! Text him at 203-685-0346 or email him at to schedule a 15-minute introductory call.