More Than A Business Plan Writer

The person writing your business plan should be more than a business plan writer, they should be your coach, mentor and sound board. Nicholas Coriano has been just that, more than a business plan writer, for over 50 satisfied clients in 2013 alone and growing.

"How could anyone possibly do a better job than you can yourself? No one knows your business and your plans for the company better than you do. It is your "baby" and you have nurtured it to the point where you now need a business plan."  The answers are simple: Objectivity, Research and Fear of Writing

OBJECTIVITY... It is virtually impossible for the owner or officer of a company to view it objectively - both the positive and the negative. That is where Nicholas Coriano can help. Nick can review your company plans with complete objectivity and help you to identify your strengths and how to sell them as well as your weaknesses and how to overcome them.

RESEARCH... Mr. Coriano is highly experienced at researching not only an industry but your target market as well as consumer demand, demographics and the competition. Many business owners "fear" finding out much about their competition and their target market because they might not like what they find out. Such research leads to a better understanding in how to successfully compete in a refined target or niche market. Good research is vital for a more complete and professional business plan with an improved confidence factor in the contents of the plan. By incorporating the research into the business plan we can create a "uniqueness" or brand for your company as it relates to your competition.

FEAR OF WRITING... Many people are simply terrified of writing anything let alone a business plan. Bad experiences in school, poor grades in English, or a generalized fear because the subject is so important to you can all be reasons to hire a professional business plan writer. Believe it or not, the fear of writing a business plan has stopped many a potential entrepreneur dead in their tracks. Nicholas Coriano is a professional writer with years of experience. You concentrate on starting your business and let Nick concentrate on writing your business plan.

Now offering on-site Business Consulting in Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts. Ready to talk shop? Email Nick at   and/or call or text Nick at 203-685-0346 today! Don't live in the area? Nick has written business plans for clients worldwide, click here to find out how he can help write your business plan today!